This is AXP's homepage.

You can find some of my works here

The Flower King

This is a 3D game, is written in C++ and uses OpenGL for rendering. It stays continously under development, the latest public version is available for download on its own page.

(click on the thumbnail to see the fullsize image)
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Volume Visualisation

Volume visualisation, written in Java.
Please visit its own page, where you can download the program and the source.

(click on the thumbnail to see the fullsize image)
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Flow Visualisation

Flow visualisation, written in Java and Python.
Please visit its own page, where you can download the program and the source.

(click on the thumbnail to see the fullsize image)
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Software Renderer In Java

The Software Renderer is a Java program that is able to render 3D objects using different rendering algorithms. The possible modes are: wireframe, scan filling, flat shading, Gouraud shading and Phong shading. You can translate, rotate and scale the objects as well. Note that Gouraud and Phong shading is only possible for models that have vertex normal data saved in the model's data file (for example the model 'teapot-highres.atoff' has such data).
The program was written for the Computer Graphics 1 lab and demonstrates how low-level rendering techniques can be implemented in software, without using graphics libraries.

- executables
- example data files

(click on the thumbnail to see the fullsize image)
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N-Dimensional Cube

This is a simple program that draws a 2D projection of an N-dimensional cube on the screen. It uses a combinatorical approach to directly generate an ortographic projection of the cube. The true n-dim. geometry of the cube is not computed, so rotating is not possible. This program was written in the Java language in about an hour, to experience with this simple idea. It is not very optimized and at bigger dimensions it becomes slow. On my machine (P4 at 2,4 Ghz), the computing of a 8-dimensional cube takes appr. 1,5 minutes.
You can start the program with
java Main N
where N is the dimension that can be any integer value (it is not limited but bigger values consume more system memory and require more time to finish).
You should have a JRE (Java runtime environment) installed on your machine to run this program.

- executables
- Java sources

(click on the thumbnail to see the fullsize image)
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   3-dimensional cube    4-dimensional cube    7-dimensional cube


This is a web spider (robot) I have written some years ago. It recursively visits the pages on a site and downloads its contents according to the specified filter parameters.
For example you can download all html pages or all images from a web-site with one run.
The program stores a list of all downloaded content, so it can continue a partially finished download at a later time.
Note that the spider remains always on the same domain, to avoid downloading of the whole internet.
There are both a Java and a C version. The C version runs quicker than the Java one, but it needs some DLLs (MFC42.DLL, WinInet.DLL) in order to run. These are normally stored in the System32 subdirectory of Windows.

How to start the C version:
lopoc URL minimum_size maximum_size [extension1 extension2 ...]
How to start the Java version:
java Lopo URL minimum_size maximum_size extension1 [extension2 ...]
where the parameters extension1, extension2, ... serve as file filtering after file-extension, minimum_size and maximum_size serve as filtering after filesize. Note that due to unfinished implementation, filtering after size does no effect in the C version.
After starting, you must provide some other parameters to the program, such as authentication information (login, password) for the local proxy and/or for the remote server.

- Spider C (executable, sources + a hungarian description)
- Spider Java (executable+sources)

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Aitken Interpolation

This program was written in Java and can interactively generate curves with a polynom-interpolation technique by Aitken-Neville. This technique is mainly used in CAGD (computer aided geometric design) systems.
You can create and move the control points with the mouse. The curve will be updated automatically. I wrote this program for the lab "Mathematische Methoden in der Computergraphik".
You can start it with 'go.bat'.

- executables
- Java sources

(click on the thumbnail to see the fullsize image)

2N over N

This program serves as a test for my assumption (which I have found in 1991) that the combinatorical expression 2n over n can be approximated with a simple exponential expression: 10 ^ 0.6*n.
Doe to very big numbers in the computation (the combinatorical expression is computed using factorials), the Java class BigInteger is used.
There are two versions of this program: the first version (NoverK) generates a text output with both the combinatorical and the approximated results, and writes the absolute and relative errors (differences) as well. The second version (NoverK_draw) draws the relative error graphically.
As seen in the output, the relative error has a minimum at N=830, and the error remains constant for larger Ns.
You can start them with 'go.bat'.

- executables + Java sources

(click on the thumbnail to see the fullsize image)


My first 3D engine, written in C++ (using DJGPP) many years ago. It runs on protected mode DOS and uses software rendering.
Please visit its own page, where you can download the program and the source.

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Text Editor

This is a small text editor for DOS. It was written in Turbo Pascal and the executable is only 48K.
Features: automatic word wrapping, search for text, setting the position of the left and right margin.
The size of the file being edited is limited to the DOS heap size (approx. 500K).

- executables
- Pascal sources

(click on the thumbnail to see the fullsize image)

Peter Alexay Last modified:
email: peter DOT alexay AT web DOT de 2008-10-02