My 3D-engine. I have written it between 1997 and 2001 in my free time.
There are no extensions planned on it in the future, since it runs on the old DOS-plattform.
I am working now on an OpenGL-version.
Download DOS Binaries | |
Download DOS Binaries + Sourcecode | |
Please use the -d switch in PKUNZIP if you unzip it under DOS.
See README.TXT for a description about the keys for controlling the movement and so on.
The demo runs either under pure MS-DOS, under a DOS-prompt in Windows or with Linux DosEmu.
To start the demo, run "go.bat" in the directory where you unpacked the zip-file.
On Windows, you must use a DOS-prompt with a fullscreen window (press ALT-Enter in DOS-prompt to switch between fullscreen and window-mode) in order to let the program detect all VESA-modes successfully.
The program uses VESA for the high resolution modes. A graphic-card with VESA 2.0 or better is recommended.
The program needs a DPMI host to run under DOS. As a default, CWSDPMI.EXE is loaded at run time (included in the packages above). On Windows, no DPMI-host is needed of course.
Peter Alexay | Last modified: |
email: peter DOT alexay AT web DOT de | Oct.7.2008 |