My son an me wrote a small program that calculates the first N fibonacci numbers. You can check it here
Category: Allgemein
Mandelbrot set generator in the browser!
A self-made, browser-based Mandelbrot set generator is added to the fun stuff area. You can set the needed parameters manually or simply click on the buttons for zoom and move through the image. You can also set the color of the drawing.
Prime number generator
A new page is added to the Fun stuff area: a prime number generator, that was written by my son an me. This generator is using the algorithm called “Sieve of Eratosthenes” for computing the primes. A graph, modeling the number of prime numbers within a given range, can also be generated. This shows that the speed of increase of the number of primes (within the range N) is slowing down for bigger N.
Click here to see the page in action.
Fractal growth
A new javascript/canvas-based tool is added to the Fun stuff page by my 12 years old son and me, that lets one small dot grow by moving blocks in random direction, coming from the edge of the screen. If a moving block comes next to a block that are already placed on the grid, it will stuck there and a new will appear at the edge of the grid. Such kind of fractal image generation is called “simulation of diffusion-limited aggregation” and the generated images are called “Brownian tree clusters“.
Watch this in action here.
Function drawing
My son and me have just finished a nice, browser-based mathematic function visualiser. More about this: on the “Fun stuff” page.
Catch the ball
My son and me have just finished the browser-game “Catch the ball”. More about this: on the “Fun stuff” page.
New design
My homepage has a new design, using WordPress and the responsive Parabola theme.
Some of the old content is not yet moved here. If you want to go to the old homepage, click here.